American Idol is one of the most popular reality shows worldwide. The television series has been...
Category - Career
Tribeca Film Festival; Taylor Swift Wears Blake Lively Inspired...
It’s normal to get inspired by your best friend’s amazing outfit, and that’s...
Awkwafina Is No Longer On Twitter: The Aftermath Of The AAVE...
Awkwafina, a famous comedian and actress, quit Twitter a few days. The star was receiving criticism...
Simone Biles Reacts to Jonathan Owens’ Recent NFL...
The golden pair of sports continues to be Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens. After pulling off his...
Should Dev Patel Play British Roles or Indian Roles?
When you are an actor with a dual-nationality, career choices can become difficult. This difficulty...
Why Scarlet Johansson Sued Disney for Releasing ‘Black Widow’
Why Scarlet Johansson Sued Disney for Releasing ‘Black Widow’ The entire world was hyped to finally...